Scripture Reading - Deuteronomy 4:12 & 36 KJV

12 And the LORD spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only ye heard a voice.

36 Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee: and upon earth he shewed thee his great fire; and thou heardest his words out of the midst of the fire.

In the Old Testament the Lord God started training the Children of Israel in two primary areas. 1) One was to know His Word by understanding His Voice and the other one 2) was how to be led by His Spirit which was demonstrated with the physical picture of the Cloud by day and the Fire by night. In the lesson “The Cloud & The Fire” we spoke about being led by God’s Spirit. In this lesson we will expound upon recognition of God’s Voice. God made us to hear “His Voice” that He might instruct us during the day or night. Yes, natural light is not necessary to follow God when you know “His Voice”. This instruction will come through the midst of the Holy Spirit (His Spirit, The Fire) because God’s Spirit and God’s Word are one. Certainly, just like our spoken words come from our heart it is the same with the Lord, our God. Our Heavenly Father was hoping that when we heard “His Voice” that we would obey His guidance, instructions, counsel and commandment simply because we love Him. The gracious Lord knew that in order for us to understand His Ways, His Will and His Thoughts we must become intimately acquainted with “His Word” spoken from Heaven, thus the Holy Bible was given (hand delivered) to man. Although this Holy Word of God was intended to set all men (women and children included) free we must be thankful because all men don’t have a Holy Bible. Notice in both verses of today’s scripture we read that the Lord spoke to certain people such that they definitely heard “His Voice” but they could not see an identifiable figure. The words “saw no similitude” basically meant that the Lord did not show His actual form to the Children of Israel in any detail. This was done for two primary reasons. The first being we must learn to walk by faith and not by sight. If we get used to seeing the exact image of God we would only listen when we see the very image (similitude) of God first. This would limit us to walking by sight and not by faith. The Lord desires for us to respond to His direction for us solely based on knowing His Good Rich Word that gives substance to the content of “His Voice”. The key with hearing “His Voice” is that the Spirit of God’s Love comes through. The common phrase, “It is not only what you say but how you say it”, comes to mind. Since we (ihlcc) know that God is all Love and completely Just we can be assured that any voice that is degrading and hateful is not “His Voice”. Secondly, the Lord did not show Himself to unregenerate man because the pure light of His Glory could harm them in their carnal state. Upon our resurrection when we are changed into more of His image and likeness our sinful flesh will be totally removed and our light of love will glow brightly in Heaven. Yes, verse 36 states that the Lord made us to “His Voice” so be grateful to God that He Loves you so much that He will make “His Voice” available to you when you draw near unto His Presence (The Fire). God’s Will is for us to be victorious in this earth over all our enemies whether spiritual or natural. Of course knowing “His Voice” through understanding “His Word” coming from the midst of His Spirit will always led you to your total victory in Christ Jesus. Just be mindful to listen and learn from “His Voice” so that you can consistently overcome all obstacles in your way to help others overcome their way by walking in His Ways (which is The Only Way, Jesus Christ). Amen!